The Cost of Hiring a Semi Truck Accident Lawyer


Most of the time being injured in a car accident is because of someone else's fault. When this happens, chances are that you will be looking for a plaintiff to compensate you for the injuries and damages suffered. However crucial it is to have an attorney represent you, the truth is that lawyers are expensive. You need to be sure that you can afford to hire a semi-truck accident lawyer for your case. To do this, you may need to understand their charges. Fortunately, for most auto accident cases, semi-truck accident included, attorneys charge their clients in a unique system that favors them.


Contingency payment system used by most car accident attorneys is based on a percentage charges that is charged after the settlement is achieved. Usually the attorney comes up with a percentage that is agreeable to both him and the client.


In most cases, this percentage is predetermined by the laws of the state or must be court approved before being used. The percentage defines the amount your attorney gets when he wins the legal suit on your behalf. You only pay your lawyer when the case is a success. Understanding the contingency payment system is good since it helps you know what to expect. Read for the proper definition of lawyers.


The percentages charged vary from one state to another. The percentage range is between 20 to 40 percent depending on the complexity of your case and possible duration it may take before being resolved. The average in most states is 33.3 percent or one third of the settlement offer. In states where the percentage is not fixed the percentage shifts depending on the stage that your case is at or based on how complex it is.


The percentage allowed is lower in instances where the plaintiff responds to your claim in good time making it possible to reach a settlement out of court. On the other hand, if the case proceeds to trial, your attorney will have to use more time and effort to prepare for it hence an obvious higher percentage.


However, victims need to remember that the contingency fees does not work on its own. There are additional charges that may be incurred when filing for an accident suit. These expenses are different from the attorney charges, which are covered by the contingency percentage. Find out from your attorney if you need to pay for these as they arise or if they will be deducted from the settlement. Click here to hire the best lawyers near you.